Sunday, October 4, 2009

American Vampire, by Wicked Boy Ballet Co.

Edited rehearsal footage of a dance play about vampires in America. Scene takes place on a subway platform late at night.

Interpreted by the Wicked Boy Ballet Co, choreographed by Trevor Little, performed by Trevor Little and David Dubois. It’s not just about vampires, it’s about the shape of the soul.

Both dancers are in beautiful form, ravishing each other through dramatic choreography. The interaction between them, viewed as a romantic relationship, looks like one wraught with grief and pathos, the struggle for dominance:)

The Wicked Boy Ballet Co. is a contemporary men’s dance/theatre group based in Boston, MA. It’s mission is to explore story telling techniques through dance from a modern perspective, and to develop the internet as a unique artistic medium for the performing arts.

The music, Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is performed by Scala & Kolacny Brothers.

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